“Free Palestine” from what! It was Hamas who was elected by Palestinians and were the ones who broke the peace on October 7th! They didn’t fight other soldiers. No, Hamas killed innocent music goers who were at a peace festival. They didn’t have guns. They were systematically butchered outside and in their homes. How is killing and beheading babies a soldier thing to do. Taking innocent hostages? And pretending that UN was helping people then finding out they were actually aiding and abetting the marauders? All these fake sympathizers sickens me.

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"And pretending that UN was helping people then finding out they were actually aiding and abetting the marauders?" Hunh? That was particularly bizarre...

Forgive me Dr. Tringali: You have a PhD and you believe all this patent nonsense?

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FREE PALESTINE from the Khazarian interlopers that have stolen the land from the people who legitimately own it! Hamas was created and funded by Boobi Nutanyahoo and the Likudist maniacs to defeat Fatah and the PLO. Oct. 7th was a false flag to divert the imminent demise/defeat of Boobi and his corrupt cabal by the Israeli Supreme Court. The "rapes" and also "beheading babies" have proven to be lies, but are still promulgated by only the most most demented, demonic Zionist liars.

"Never Again", indeed......repeating the same genocidal, fascist, Nazi tactics by fake AshkeNazi "Hebrews" sickens me too...

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Lying POS antiSemite👆

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Thanks for the erudite reply, Stiffie, it really shows a lot of character.

I cannot be an antiSemite, as I totally respect the Semitic peoples! The REAL ones that is, you know the Arabs, the people who never left the Middle East in the first place, including the Palestinians.

It's the phony AshkeNazi interlopers from Eastern Europe who claim to be descendants from a Biblical myth that are the problem in the ME, and have been ever since the first Zionists arrived with Irgun, the Stern Gang, Haganah, Lehi, and all the other terrorist groups they founded.......Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived together in peace in the Holy Land until that time.

Just because YOU are jonesing for **the end of days**, doesn't mean the rest of us sane individuals have to believe the Zionist LIES and bullshit about the creation and legitimacy of current day Israel.. Perhaps, you should read the Talmud to see what these people really think about you evangelical *goyim* (cattle) types.

Have a nice day!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

#AntiZionismISAntiSemitism, jackass. & what you posted are flat out LIES.

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NO, it's NOT the same and a stupid # doesn't make it so, sweetie.

Why don't you try reading some books? Your replies are totally juvenile.

How about some facts, fatass........

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deletedJun 29
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PhD in zionist propaganda

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I can see why Archie called Reiner meathead.

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Projection. The only skill the left has.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Reiner must surely have gravy for a brain.

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